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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

All Blog Comments by Nick Izumi
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post 2-1347296092
9/10/2012 - 12:27
I couldn't agree more on how the cosplay contest was handled and has been handled. There are some great entries, but those are completely the result of the efforts of the contestants, the rest seems like a terrible mess.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post
9/4/2012 - 5:25
I couldn't agree more on how the cosplay contest was handled and has been handled. There are some great entries, but those are completely the result of the efforts of the contestants, the rest seems like a terrible mess.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post
8/27/2012 - 1:34
I couldn't agree more on how the cosplay contest was handled and has been handled. There are some great entries, but those are completely the result of the efforts of the contestants, the rest seems like a terrible mess.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post 2-1326474854
1/13/2012 - 11:42
About a year after I made my Christmas video: Rudolph, they did almost the same story for a countdown, I'm not surprised.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post 2-1325773854
1/5/2012 - 22:50
You bet, I still have the postcard it originally came with too.
@Fellow I don't know:
I have some tapes that I bought years later and have fallen into my possession, but even in my middle school years I was putting money aside for my VHS tapes. I used to have the policy of watching fansubs and promising to buy the official release, but I'm a poor student, so I don't watch fansubs anymore, cause I don't know that I can afford the release when it comes out.
Now you say you only buy  the stuff you feel is worth your money? C'mon guy, movie theaters don't  let you watch a movie and then you pay for it only if you liked it. Whether you like it or not you aren't entitled to entertainment.

Another example, this also relates to Bandai's recent collapse. I hate Gundam SEED Destiny. I think it was terrible. That being said, I watched it fansubed and I reviewed it on my YouTube page. I also own the series on DVD. I said I would buy it when I was watching and at the beginning I was enjoying it, then it got bad and I kept watching. You gotta pay to play. I payed.

Now there's one last issue I take with your weird argument, that's the idea that you've seen every series available. I'm sorry. That's silly at best. Do you even enjoy what you are watching? I find it odd that you have a count for how many shows you've seen. I don't know how many anime I've seen, I don't know how many movies or TV shows I've see either, and I'm an amateur critic. Why does the number of shows you've seen even matter? If you ask me it sounds like you just want to see more and more new animation. But that's just my assumption.

Anime is expensive to produce on both sides of our little pond. I know lots of people who pirate, but I take issue with the ones who try to tell me that the piracy is somehow not wrong. Try re-watching stuff you enjoy maybe. More importantly ask yourself why you want more. Do you enjoy what you do, or do you watch because you want something to watch?

P.S. You seem to be getting Trae and me mixed up. Let me help you. He is significantly taller, bearded and owns this site and the awesome it contains. I'm Nick Izumi, I run a YouTube channel and am significantly shorter, blonder and less bearded.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post 2-1325773854
1/5/2012 - 15:56
As Trae pointed out already, the "I don't like dubs" argument hasn't been valid since DVDs. Hell, most of the shows you referenced for not liking the dub have been available uncut and subtitled for years. I'm holding a Cardcaptor Sakura subtitled VHS right now. These things exist, you shouldn't blame the companies because you aren't informed.

And fyi: attacking individual actors to justify your piracy is beyond low.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post 2-1325773854
1/5/2012 - 11:59
So I was reading the same kind of articles as you Trae and yeah, I got really pissed. I spent a lot of my younger years in comic book shops, so I got into anime fandom at the end of the VHS days. I still have a ton of old VHS tapes, some legal, and one Macross Plus fansub that I'm pretty sure was in at least a dozen other VCRs. I remember having to special order my tapes from cause no one at the local Sam Goody knew or cared what Escaflowne was and I remember learning to appreciate the english version because when you're 12 you can't afford a $27 tape.

I miss when nerds took pride in the money and devotion it took to make our collections. Not just downloading everything in site and acting like they should be praised for it.

Long story short, thank you Trae. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know all the key factors as to why Bandai is closing its entertainment wing, but I feel its a safe assumptions the Pirates' hands are exactly clean on this one. Thanks for summing this up well and still being honest.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post
1/5/2012 - 4:32
So I was reading the same kind of articles as you Trae and yeah, I got really pissed. I spent a lot of my younger years in comic book shops, so I got into anime fandom at the end of the VHS days. I still have a ton of old VHS tapes, some legal, and one Macross Plus fansub that I'm pretty sure was in at least a dozen other VCRs. I remember having to special order my tapes from cause no one at the local Sam Goody knew or cared what Escaflowne was and I remember learning to appreciate the english version because when you're 12 you can't afford a $27 tape.

I miss when nerds took pride in the money and devotion it took to make our collections. Not just downloading everything in site and acting like they should be praised for it.

Long story short, thank you Trae. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know all the key factors as to why Bandai is closing its entertainment wing, but I feel its a safe assumptions the Pirates' hands are exactly clean on this one. Thanks for summing this up well and still being honest.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post
12/30/2011 - 16:41
So I was reading the same kind of articles as you Trae and yeah, I got really pissed. I spent a lot of my younger years in comic book shops, so I got into anime fandom at the end of the VHS days. I still have a ton of old VHS tapes, some legal, and one Macross Plus fansub that I'm pretty sure was in at least a dozen other VCRs. I remember having to special order my tapes from cause no one at the local Sam Goody knew or cared what Escaflowne was and I remember learning to appreciate the english version because when you're 12 you can't afford a $27 tape.

I miss when nerds took pride in the money and devotion it took to make our collections. Not just downloading everything in site and acting like they should be praised for it.

Long story short, thank you Trae. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know all the key factors as to why Bandai is closing its entertainment wing, but I feel its a safe assumptions the Pirates' hands are exactly clean on this one. Thanks for summing this up well and still being honest.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post
12/29/2011 - 20:25
So I was reading the same kind of articles as you Trae and yeah, I got really pissed. I spent a lot of my younger years in comic book shops, so I got into anime fandom at the end of the VHS days. I still have a ton of old VHS tapes, some legal, and one Macross Plus fansub that I'm pretty sure was in at least a dozen other VCRs. I remember having to special order my tapes from cause no one at the local Sam Goody knew or cared what Escaflowne was and I remember learning to appreciate the english version because when you're 12 you can't afford a $27 tape.

I miss when nerds took pride in the money and devotion it took to make our collections. Not just downloading everything in site and acting like they should be praised for it.

Long story short, thank you Trae. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know all the key factors as to why Bandai is closing its entertainment wing, but I feel its a safe assumptions the Pirates' hands are exactly clean on this one. Thanks for summing this up well and still being honest.
Nick Izumi commented on Blog Post
12/29/2011 - 13:4
So I was reading the same kind of articles as you Trae and yeah, I got really pissed. I spent a lot of my younger years in comic book shops, so I got into anime fandom at the end of the VHS days. I still have a ton of old VHS tapes, some legal, and one Macross Plus fansub that I'm pretty sure was in at least a dozen other VCRs. I remember having to special order my tapes from cause no one at the local Sam Goody knew or cared what Escaflowne was and I remember learning to appreciate the english version because when you're 12 you can't afford a $27 tape.

I miss when nerds took pride in the money and devotion it took to make our collections. Not just downloading everything in site and acting like they should be praised for it.

Long story short, thank you Trae. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know all the key factors as to why Bandai is closing its entertainment wing, but I feel its a safe assumptions the Pirates' hands are exactly clean on this one. Thanks for summing this up well and still being honest.

Trae Dorn
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